Cooper Colwell
Cooper Colwell Research Technician
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center
Ray Covington
Ray Covington Superintendent
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center
Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall Research Technician II
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center
Clare L Johnston
Clare L Johnston Research Technician II
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center
Freya L. Jones
Freya L. Jones Administrative Associate II
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center
Leslie R Lee
Leslie R Lee Ag/Forestry Technician
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center
Dwayne Patterson
Dwayne Patterson Research Technician III
Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center

Community and School Garden Coordinator

Employment Opportunities

There are no vacancies at GMREC at this time but you can go to UGA Jobs and create an account, upload your information, and apply to numerous positions across the state.

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Awards and Recognitions

Leslie Lee receiving his 10 year service award
Mr. Lee has served GMREC and UGA faithfully for 10 years and in honor of this he was recognized. Leslie serves as Agriculture Specialist/Farm Manager, overseeing the physical operations. Thank you, Leslie, from all of us the University of Georgia!
Ray Covington & Clare Johnston
Mrs. Johnston has served at GMREC for over 16 years and works primarily with horticulture researchers at the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. In 2022, this past recipient was awarded the Dobson-McDowall-Mays Employee Recognition Award. She was recognized by her peers and admin for this award. Congratulations.
Stuart Hall & Ray Covington
Stuart is a forage and turf grass superstar. He manages several projects and has received national recognition for his hard work. We are honored to have him as part of the team. In 2023, he was awards the Dobson-McDowall-Mays Employee Recognition Award for contributions to research and outreach. Congratulations!